Von Paxton
Von is an Elder and is the Lead Pastor. He is married to Sayla and they have five children. Von graduated from Criswell College with a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Masters of Theological Studies, and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Doctor of Educational Ministry degree.
jack fitzgibbons
Jack is an Elder and is the Pastor of Discipleship. He is married to Kayla. Jack graduated from Georgia Southern University with a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies in Religion and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary with a M.Div in Preaching.
Daniel Stewart
Daniel is an Elder and the Pastor of Music & Media. He is married to Jamie and they have three children. Daniel graduated from Toccoa Falls College with a Bachelor of Science degree in Church Music and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Masters Degree in Worship Leadership.
Chuck Hollingsworth
Chuck is an Elder and the Life Group’s Coordinator. He is married to Shaana and they have three children. Chuck graduated from Georgia Southwestern University with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Masters Degree in Christian Studies. He is currently pursuing a MBA from Point University.
Ricky Stevens
Ricky is an Elder and has a passion for missions. He graduated from The University of Georgia with both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees and his M.D. from the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta. He is married to Amy and they have 5 children.